Ringstead Church of England Primary School

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Church Street, Ringstead, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN14 4DH


01933 622734 | Fax: 01933

Ringstead Church of England Primary School

Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives. Proverbs 22 v 6

  1. Classes
  2. Falcons


Teaching Staff:

Mrs Adams- Class Teacher Monday-Wednesday

Mr Dalley- Student Teacher Monday - Friday

Miss Riches -Teaching Assistant Monday-Friday

Mrs Sanders- PE Teacher/PPA cover Thursday afternoon


Welcome to the Summer Term!

Our current topic is ‘Adventure is out there!’ and in the second half of the Summer Term, our topic will be ‘By the Sea’. In English we have been writing some amazing adventure stories and writing quatrain poems and then after half term we will be researching and writing fact files about sea animals. We will also visit the beach and then write a recount about our exciting day out.

In English, our class texts are Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book, The Storm Whale and the Lighthouse Keeper’s Adventures.

We will also be carrying out practical work in both Science and Art, as we investigate what plants need to grow and create our own collages of buildings in the village. We can't wait to display our finished pictures!

In Geography we are currently learning about the local area but after half term we will be ‘travelling’ worldwide in our lessons, as we find out about the different continents, the Equator and the North and South Poles.

In Maths, we are learning all about fractions and also how to tell the time. Please practise this important skill at home! Our new KIRFs (key instant recall facts) are:

· doubling multiples of 5 up to 50 (double 5 = 10 double 35= 70 )

· halving any multiple of 10 up to 100 (half of 40 = 20 half of 90 = 45)

· halve any even number to 100 (Half of 48 = 24 half of 76= 38)

TT Rockstars and the 1-Minute Maths app are both great ways to improve other aspects of Mental Maths at home.

Class routines remain unchanged (reading diaries and reading books are needed in school everyday, spelling books on a Friday, PE kits on both Thursday and Friday).

Thank you for all your continued support. We look forward to a happy and productive term in Year 2.


Book and Biscuit- Thursday 

PE- Thursday and Friday

Spellings- Friday