Ringstead Church of England Primary School

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Church Street, Ringstead, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN14 4DH


01933 622734 | Fax: 01933

Ringstead Church of England Primary School

Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives. Proverbs 22 v 6

  1. Classes
  2. Ravens


Teaching Staff:

Miss Grunill - Class Teacher - Monday - Friday 

Mrs Sanders - P.E Teacher / PPA cover - Tuesday morning 

Mrs Smith - TA

Mrs Harrison - TA

 PE days - Tuesday and Friday

Computing - Monday afternoon

Book and Biscuit - Friday Morning      

Homework books go out on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There will be slips for the Maths and Grammar books, Reading Comprehension will always be read the next extract and questions.


Having learnt about rivers in the last term we have now journeyed to London to discover all about our capital City. We shall be sketching in Art and learning about Easter in RE. Our Science has returned to a Biology unit and we shall be learning about Living Things. 

We have had a visitor from the Nene River Trust and now the whole class are SPA Champions!





Images from our Spring term.

Our Autumn term.

A few images from our amazing residential!

A few photos from our trip to Leicester Museum.