Teaching Staff:
Miss Coales - Class Teacher- Monday - Friday
Miss Hinds - Teaching Assistant - Monday - Friday
Miss Smith - Teaching Assistant - Monday - Friday mornings
Mrs Sanders - PE Teacher / PPA cover - Tuesday morning
- Local Christmas Card Delivery: In the lead-up to Christmas, we’ll be going on a walk to deliver Christmas cards to Avens Residential Home, where young adults with learning disabilities are cared for.
- Theatre Visit: We’ll be taking a whole-school trip to the theatre to watch a pantomime.
- Art exhibition: After an exciting unit in art, we will display our work for friends and family to view.
The KIRF (Key Instant Recall Fact) this term:
Year 1:
-Know all number bonds within 20.
Year 2:
Recall all number bonds to 50- including multiples of 5.
The Top Marks game 'Hit the Button' is a fun, free online game that ensures children to build fluency and speed in a range of mathematic skills.
Children also have access to the online platform TT Rocks Stars. Children in Robins should begin to explore times tables in preparation for later in the year. Their log in information can be found inside the yellow reading record.
Children will receive red words on flashcards to learn at home. These are common words used in writing, so it is very beneficial to learn them each week and in preparation for a spelling test each Friday.
As always, if you have any questions or queries, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Miss Coales
Book and Biscuit- Tuesday
PE- Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon
Spelling test- Friday
Please click below for previous class newsletters.